Saturday, February 9, 2008

Abi's Lent: Day Four

Well, I had a wonderful time in Chapter Three -- three pages of notes!

Lots of very good thoughts to share about the importance of understanding God as Abba Father (and some good clarifications about where the Abba comes in, even when it's not actually in the Greek), but I'm going to have to share them tomorrow ... it's time for bed here after a busy day.

This is a very rich time for The Abbess. I'll just quickly share my The Shack/Jesus Creed inspired version of The Lord's Prayer ... and unpack it in tomorrow's post.

Heavenly Papa, we set your name apart for greatest honor.
Honoring your name means
we yearn to cooperate with you in all things.

We trust
you to meet our true needs,
knowing we are your provision for each other.
We gladly forgive all, because you, in Jesus,
have already forgiven all --

in order to restore our broken-down relationships.
Keep us from wandering from your path

by protecting us from the lies of the Enemy.
Papa, I know everything is rightfully yours:

Kingdom, Power, Glory.

Always was, is now, ever will be.

Leaning on Papa.

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