Thank you for this ... I will be linking to it when I get around to blogging about yesterday's episode. I had to get my journal out and take notes. It was a striking moment ... a moment when, yet again, the church has shown that it is just behind the curve when it comes to so many things.
The church is still behind the curve when it comes to women and equality ... and it is behind the curve when it comes to the message that God is Love ... and that each human is an Eikon of God and that makes them worthy of God's love. Not what they do or say or believe or attend ... but being a precious Eikon whom Jesus left Heaven to come to earth to serve and save.
And when the church becomes the source of so much "negative energy" -- it becomes a tool of the Enemy. Those who name Jesus as Lord need to be mindful of the energy they bring to every life and every circumstance and every place and every word.
There's plenty of time to work on doctrine ... but if you don't get the bit that God loves you more than you can even imagine -- right in the midst of your mess -- then nothing of your precious doctrine will transform your life or the lives in your sphere of influence.
...I kept thinking: "Preach it, Sister!"
I will be back later to process the rest of the notes I took ... and I am hoping to get a chance to see it once again before I do.
Blessings to you ... remember that you are loved by God ... remember that you are a gift of God to this world -- so figure out your calling and get busy sharing the love!